A Meeting of Bigbury Parish Council is to be held on, Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in the Memorial Hall, St Ann’s Chapel at 7:30pm
1. Welcome
Presentation by Ms Vicky Garner, SWW.
2. Open Session: Members of the public are invited to make representations on matters of
3. Apologies for Absence
4. Declarations of Interest
5. Approval of minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
6. Matters arising from the meeting held on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
7. County Councillor’s report
8. District Councillor’s report
9. Planning Related Matters SHDC Response Date
3149/23/FUL:- Noddon Farmhouse, Ringmore, TQ7 4HF 26/10/23
3108/23/VAR:- Cleveland, Warren Drive, Bigbury on Sea, TQ7 4AZ 02/11/23
Review of recent planning applications (VS)
10. Financial Statement
11. Budget and monitoring PC expenditure
12. Progress on play park improvement
13. Pothole repair update and Pothole Register
13. Nutrient Neutrality
14. Defibrillator Training and First Responder Training.
14. SHDC Cluster group meeting
15. GDPR – review of draft document pre-circulated (SW)
16. Correspondence received
17. Any Other Business