Local elections will be held on 4th May 2023 for which nominations are invited for Parish Councillor candidates. Anybody interested should contact the Parish Clerk, Ian Bramble, to check qualification status and obtain Nomination Papers, Guide for Candidates, etc. by 23rd March, ideally, as the formal papers need to be hand-delivered to SHDC, Follaton House, by 4.00pm on 4th April.
Ian Bramble
3 Manor Park
email: – clerk.bigburypc@gmail.com
Tel:01548 855712
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the current Bigbury Councillors have indicated that they do not intend to stand again, so this is a chance for the infusion of fresh talent, energy and insight into the workings of the parish council.
DO NOT DELAY, the timetable for the election is governed by a statutory process and is very precise.