The Agenda for this meeting will be as follows:-
Agenda – Bigbury Parish Council meeting –Tuesday, July 26th, 2022
A meeting of Bigbury Parish Council is to be held on, Tuesday, July 26th, 2022 in the Memorial Hall, St Ann’s Chapel at 7:30pm
1 Welcome
2 Open session: Members of the public are invited to make representations on matters of
3. Apologies for Absence
4. Declarations of Interest
5. Planning related matters Responses to SHDC
2291/22/FUL; Korniloff Residential Care Home, Warren Road, TQ7 4AZ 18/08/22
Fwd: Mount Folly Farm
New premises licence application- Mount Folly Farm adjacent to the camping field,
Bigbury On Sea TQ7 4AR, X = 266016 , y = 044663
6. Correspondence received
7. Any other business