Bigbury Parish Council
The Parish Council is the voice for the people of Bigbury. We are here to help and will endeavour to do our best in all areas of concern. We meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm in Bigbury Memorial Hall. (Excluding August). Contact details for the Parish Clerk and Councillors are listed under COUNCILLORS in the menu.
Parish Council documents:
.signed minutes 2024 12002
Minutes from the December 11th BPC meeting were approved and signed at the January 8th meeting.
Minutes 2024-12 (3) Draft Minutes for approval at the next BPC meeting at 7:30pm on Wednesday January 8th at the the Memorial Hall
Minutes 2024-12
Draft minutes from December 11th BPC meeting for approval at the 8th January BPC meeting.
Draft minutes for 2024-11-13 were approved and signed by the Chairman at the December11th BPC meeting. signed minutes 2024 11001
October Bigbury Parish Council meeting minutes as approve and signed. Signed mins 24 10
November Parish Council draft minutes, including the question and answer session on car parking at the Bigbury on Sea car park, with ...
2024-09 Signed minutes, amended as per 2024-10 BPC meetin24 09 signed minutesg, 'Matters Arising'
Minutes 2024-09
Draftt Minutes 2024-08
SignedMins 24 07087
Minutes 2024-07
Minuted 2024-03-13