The Pickwick Inn at StAnn’s Chapel has been closed since February 2022. Instead of standing as an important, gateway landmark to the parish, the pub is fast becoming a blot on the landscape rather than the important community asset that it once was. Whilst there has been some interest from several parties in rescuing the pub, the owners of the property have been less than forthcoming in their replies to any offers. Bigbury Parish Council now is considering applying to SHDC for an Asset of Community Value designation for this last remaining, easily accessible pub in our parish.
Anybody who wishes to help save the Pickwick as a pub rather than allowing its possible change of use to a housing development should send a brief email to: to include their name, contact details and the simple statement that ‘I would support retaining The Pickwick Inn as a public house and important community asset’
This item will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting, starting at 7.30pm on 12 October in the Memorial Hall, StAnn’s Chapel.